Here's all the info you need to know on how to place an order with Little Maketto;
Browse through Little Maketto items. See something that catches your eye? Check if the status of those items are AVAILABLE, RESERVED, or SOLD. Those with AVAILABLE status are still available for sale. Do note that sometimes even though handmade items are SOLD, they may be still be available for remakes. Take down (or copy paste) the Item Name and Code Number.

And then send me an email at kahmin31(AT)gmail.com with the following details:-

Item and Code No:
Delivery Method:
Postal Address:
Contact Number:

Wait for a reply on the total amount due, delivery and account details etc. 
(a reply should reach you within 48 hours at latest)

Make the payment and collect your package from the mailman.

*** *** *** ***

Other information that you should know regarding your order:

Delivery Charges
Pos Laju (next working day) –
Peninsula Malaysia: From RM6.00 onwards (depending on weight + location)
East Malaysia: From RM8.00 onwards (depending on weight + location)

Pos Express (within 2-5 days) -
Peninsula Malaysia: From RM3.00 onwards
From now onwards only small items will be mailed using Pos Ekspres. Pos Malaysia has become really strict on their documents only policy for Pos Ekspres and are rejecting Pos Ekspres envelopes containing items other than paper documents. If you're not sure if your item is safe for delivery with Pos Ekspres, please consult with me first. Sorry for any inconveniences but this is beyond my control. Thanks for your kind understanding!

Payment Method
Bank In / Transfer
- CIMB (those with CIMB Clicks account can make direct internet transaction)
- Account details will be sent to you once your order has been confirmed
- Please forward a copy of the remittance slip or print screen of the confirmed transfer so I can make the delivery asap.

Terms & Conditions
- Serious buyers only
- All items are brand new unless stated otherwise
- Items are sold on a first come first serve basis
- Reservations are accepted but will only hold items for 3 days
- Goods sold are not refundable or exchangeable
- Prices are fixed and non-negotiable
- Delivery charges are borne by the customer
- Little Maketto is not responsible for any responsible for items damaged or lost during shipping.

Any enquiries, please drop me an e-mail at kahmin31(AT)gmail.com

Still Available

  • Grappe Grape Necklace
  • Duckie Earrings
  • Stiletto Bag Charm
  • Chimera Ring
  • Fushcia Mini Hat
  • Love Necklace
  • Sweet Tooth Bracelet
  • Pig Owl Earrings

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